
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

News Sport Classifieds Digital Editions

Candidate statement: Glenn Milne (Independent)

MY focus has always been on building a stronger, prosperous and more liveable community. I am committed to getting our rail and road networks up to a modern standard that meets our needs. I will always be available to the community and ready to fight for the issues that build and strengthen our region and our economy.

I will be pushing to see municipal rates across the region bought in line with Melbourne, the removal of the Andrews government's unjustified taxes on waste, less restrictive planning regulations, more effective health services and a greater government spend in the country regions.

I will be seeking more government support for Mildura to avoid a repeat of the lack of preparations for disasters, such as the current flooding, where too little action is taken far too late. We deserve better.

Mildura is an important area in the state, contributing enormously to the Australian economy. Farmers need to be supported through research and market development at a far higher level, as does tourism across the region.

I am committed to working with small and large business, the education sector and the farming community to ensure we are able to achieve high outputs with high efficiency and exporting the best produce to the most profitable markets.

This region has also excelled at motorsport, all fields, and I remain committed to seeing a major increase in spending in that field while providing a huge economic boost right across the Seat of Mildura.

I want your support.