
Sunday, March 9, 2025

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Advice issued for large Koorlong fire

FIREFIGHTERS are working to bring a bushfire in the Koorlong and Merrinee area under control.

According to a 5.16pm VicEmergency update, 19 emergency-service vehicles were responding to a bushfire. The size of the fire was at 5.26pm reclassified as "large", up from "medium".

The fire was listed as being near the intersection of Meridian Road and Twenty Fourth Street, an unsealed road that enters the western side of Cardross Koorlong State Forest about 16km west of Red Cliffs.

It was not yet under control.

Advice for the area issued by the Country Fire Authority said there was no current threat to people, however they should stay informed and monitor conditions.

Issued at 5.05pm, the CFA advice said roads should be kept clear so emergency services can respond, and smoke may be visible from nearby communities.

A new update was expected at 7.10pm or as the situation changes.

Updates can be found on the VicEmergency website, app or 1800 226 226 freecall hotline.