Public guides war museum vision

THE Wentworth Military Collection is seeking community feedback for the proposed $34 million Military Museum and Discovery Centre at the Wentworth Aerodrome.

The Department of Regional NSW provided funding of $53,262 to finalise the business Case and Strategy Development which will be ready by the end of next March.

November 11 marks 12 years since the launch of the public Military Collection, and eight years since they opened the current location and became a registered NSW War Memorial.

Over time, the collection has grown with donated and loaned items creating a collection of military history spanning a timeline of Australian Military Service from the Boer War through to current conflicts and peacetime operations.

The online survey seeks to answer questions such as what visitors would like to see at the new museum, why having the museum is important to them and the costs they will be willing to pay for admission and in the gift shop.

Over the past five years, Wentworth Military Collection has gathered ideas for what a purpose-built facility should include to attract tourists to the region.

The list features 14 aspirations, including plans to expand the collection, establish a small theatre, learning centre and memorial library, create a museum cafe, giftshop and maintenance and restoration workshop, expanding existing exhibits, and provide a permanent sound and light show installation.

The survey can be completed at

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