WORK to reinstate the Mildura weir has begun and that section of the river will be closed until work is completed.
The weir was removed back in July due to an increase of water flowing into the Murray River mostly from the Goulburn, Ovens and Murrumbidgee rivers.
When flows reach about 42,000 megalitres per day it is regular practice for the weir to be taken out, and reinistated once it drops below 40,000.
Murray Darling Basin Authority regional manager Andrew Kremor said Lock 11 would not be available for about a fortnight from Monday and pedestrian access around Lock Island and Lock Park would cease in the coming week.
“The weir was removed in July to avoid infrastructure damage and allow the increased flows from winter rains and runoff to pass through unhindered,” he said.
“We are only now seeing the flow peak from the winter rain in the upper catchments, with almost 57,000 megalitres per day currently flowing past Mildura.
“Flows will recede and are expected to drop below 40,000 megalitres a day towards the end of next week, allowing reinstatement of the weir to start."
Mr Kremor said to carry out these works the upstream water level would be lowered and once the works are complete the water level in the weir pool would return to normal operating height.
“It will take about a week for Goulburn-Murray Water to reinstate the weir and river craft will not be able to access this section of the river until the work is complete," he said.
“The upstream level will fall around two metres during this time before returning to the normal pool level when the weir is installed."