
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

News Sport Classifieds Digital Editions

Have your say on new playground

TWO concepts for the design of a new playground Buxton-Sobee Park have been presented to the public and the Mildura Council wants to hear what people think of them.

Earlier this year, the council asked the local community for ideas and input on the design of the new playground for the park, which is southeast of Benetook Avenue, near Eleventh Street.

A survey questioned residents about the type of seating, park benches and picnic tables they would prefer for the project, which is expected to cost between $150,000 and $200,000. Both proposals include a shade shelter.

Following public submissions, the council narrowed down the information to form the two design proposals which residents can vote for online at yoursay.mildura.vic.gov.au/BuxtonSobeePlayground.

Votes can be cast up until 5pm on Wednesday, July 5.