
Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Mildura Council makes riverfront flood preparations

MILDURA Council has been making infrastructure preparations as the Murray River rises towards a peak expected to be comparable with the major flood of 1974.

On the Mildura riverfront, the peak was not expected to threaten property above Hugh King Drive and the elevated Cafe 1909 at the Mildura Rowing Club was also expected to be unaffected.

The Powerhouse precinct, now undergoing major refurbishment, was not expected to need the protection of a temporary levee bank, as it was built to the much bigger 1956 flood level.

Shippy's Cafe will continue to trade in its usual location as well.

The council said it was monitoring this area and will put mitigation measures in place if required.

On lower land closer to the George Chaffey Bridge, the Bobby + Me cafe closed for relocation to higher ground in the Nowingi Place car park.

Council had started relocating infrastructure from the Nowingi Place area, including shipping containers and items in storage.

Most water play park and Nowingi Place equipment had been removed.

Power was being disconnected from the Nowingi Place sound shell and fencing around the Ornamental Lakes was expected to be removed this week.

The Nowingi Place public toilets were expected to be closed as the river rises.

Downstream, the Lock 11 public toilets were closed, as were those upstream of the city riverfront at the Etiwanda Wetlands.

The council said further flood preparations included the drainage and isolation of public-toilet septic tanks, the removal of pumps and electrical connections along the riverfront, the checking of drains, the closure of roads and paths where inundation will cause considerable public risk, and the removal of any infrastructure at risk.

It was also assisting in the identification of vulnerable areas and properties throughout the municipality.

The lead agency for flood preparations is the State Emergency Service, but the council established a dedicated information page on its website. Go to www.mildura.vic.gov.au/flood for latest local road closures and affected council services and facilities.

To see flood-projection mapping for the Murray, CLICK HERE