
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

News Sport Classifieds Digital Editions

All aboard the Kings of Leon bus

FREE shuttle buses will run to and from this Saturday's Kings of Leon concert at Mildura Sporting Precinct from around Sunraysia, but some services will require booking.

Mildura Rural City Council has announced buses will be running every 15 minutes starting 5pm from the Aerodrome Ovals, The Gateway Tavern, Mildura Recreation Reserve and Nowingi Place, and at bus stops along Deakin Avenue, Ontario Avenue and Etiwanda Avenue.

Other shuttles will operate starting 5pm, as required, from Red Cliffs (Quandong Park, Irymple Secondary College), Merbein (Kenny Park), Buronga (bus stop across from the Buronga Bakery, Gol Gol Hotel), Dareton (Coomealla Club and the swimming pool on Beverly Street) and Wentworth. Use of any of these buses will require online registration at www.trybooking.com/CDTXT.

No registration is required for services from within Mildura.

Return shuttles will be running after the event and patrons should return to where they were dropped off to catch one.

A temporary camping ground will be open at Sarah Oval from Thursday to Tuesday to help accommodate visitors who may be here for the concert, but who have lost caravan park sites because of the rising Murray River. There are 130 6x8m camp sites, and toilets and showers will be available, but campers must also register at www.mildura.vic.gov.au/temporarycampground.