
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Pop-up clinics for flu shots

SUNRAYSIA residents are being urged to get their flu shots ahead of winter, with a series of vaccination clinics to run across the region.

Hosted by Mildura Rural City Council, the five pop-up clinics will have experienced nurse immunisers on hand to administer the influenza vaccine.

The clinics will run in Mildura, Murrayville, Underbool, Red Cliffs and Ouyen.

Director of Health in the Loddon Mallee Bruce Bolam last month told the Sunraysia Daily there was likely to be an increased risk of influenza transmission leading into and during the winter season.

"Potentially it could be a very severe influenza season this year because much like COVID-19, influenza does evolve year on year," he said.

"Because we have had such a couple of years with very low caseloads of influenza there is a potential for us to have a very significant influenza wave this winter.

"We encourage everyone to get vaccinated not just for COVID, but influenza when that becomes available."

Mildura Mayor Liam Wood urged residents to make the most of the council's pop-up clinics.

"Advice from health experts is that vaccinating against influenza is more important this year than ever," he said.

"With borders reopening and people moving around there is the possibility of a resurgence of influenza in 2022.

"Yearly vaccination against the flu is recommended, for all people aged six months and over."

The flu shot is available for people who are at risk of complications from flu, including babies and children aged between six months and under five years, people aged over 65, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, pregnant women and people with chronic illness. A fee of $22 applies to all other people.

Clinics accept only EFTPOS payments and bookings are essential.

Call 5018 8100 to make an appointment.


Benetook Room, The Alfred Deakin Centre

Wednesday April 27, 2pm-5.30pm

Friday, April 29, 1pm-3.30pm


Multipurpose Centre, Gray Street

Monday, May 2, Noon-1pm


Mallee Track Bush Nursing Centre, Monash Avenue

Monday, May 2, 2.30pm-3pm

Red Cliffs

RSL Hall, Jamieson Avenue

Tuesday, May 10, Noon-1pm


Council Service Centre, Oke Street

Monday, May 16, 11am-noon