
Friday, March 28, 2025

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MDAS buildings set to reopen

MALLEE District Aboriginal Services (MDAS) is expected to reopen its Mildura buildings today after having to close for two days due to the current COVID-19 outbreak.

MDAS closed its Orange Avenue health clinic and its building on Tenth Street, Mildura, on Monday as a precautionary measure after being notified that a ­secondary contact of a confirmed COVID-
19 case might have visited these sites. 

MDAS will open its health clinic and Tenth Street building from 9am tomorrow, with all services to be offered in a COVID-safe way. 

MDAS implemented its emergency management plan, which included ­COVID-19 testing of staff and deep cleaning of necessary premises.  All tests returned negative results and the Department of Health cleared MDAS to reopen.

All medical appointments will be provided by telehealth and non-medical services will be provided by phone or video conference.

No one should visit MDAS buildings without an appointment. Face-to-face services would be limited to crisis or urgent care requirements, MDAS said. 

Anyone requiring urgent care should call MDAS on 1800 183 593 to discuss their needs with staff and make appropriate ­arrangements.