
Monday, March 10, 2025

News Sport Classifieds Digital Editions

Turning fear of mistakes into creative energy

THE fear of making a mistake is diluting your potential.

Whether this fear is generated by being a 'perfectionist', stress, limiting beliefs, childhood wounding, or anything else, when you allow your fear of making a mistake to lead your decisions and energy, you dilute the potency of your power to express yourself and enjoy life.

Embodying your creative energy when making your decisions and taking action allows you to feel expressed and expanded.

How to alchemise the fear of making a mistake into creative energy

1. Create a mindset shift using this affirmation – I am excited to expand my potential. Fear and excitement have the same physical sensation in the body. It is our thoughts that assign meaning to the feeling. When we decide it is fear we spiral down to more 'negative' thoughts and feelings, when we decide it is excitement we expand up and out. The sensation in your body is an invitation to make a decision.

2. Reclaim messy. We have become a little too domesticated, there is magic in messiness. Allow yourself to create in this way and trust that through the mess everything will come together. A little practice to help your mind accept this concept is to form a habit of creating things just for fun that you know you will destroy.

Draw a picture, write a short story, make a beautiful floral arrangement, and then throw it away no matter how good you think it ended up. Knowing it will be thrown away helps your brain let go of it needing to be any good. Through this practice you will realise how creative you really are.

3. Take the pressure off your draft copy. When you are connected to your creative energy, you enter a flow state. What comes forward will likely impress yourself. You can always polish and refine later, for your draft put your energy in motion to gain momentum.

4. Embrace vulnerability by self-sourcing your own validation and sense of worth.

5. Take one step at a time. Put all expectations aside as you begin. You can only reach new depths of your potential if you are willing to express yourself and keep taking one step at a time.

All these suggestions are yours to play with, explore what feels the most aligned for you.

You will expand your current experience when you allow your body to alchemise your fear into creative energy.

– Life coach Rachel White

Web: byrachelwhite.com/mildura

Instagram: @byrachelwhite