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Kids’ Corner December 2, 2024

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

During the early morning there are multiple different birds such as kookaburras, Australian wood ducks, and magpies around our school. They like to come to eat worms from our oval and clean up food crumbs all over our school. Here’s what we’ve learned about each type of bird:

The Australian wood duck has a dark head and grey body so they will be pretty easy to tell apart from other ducks. They have come to know our morning routine; when the gate opens for all the kids to come into school they fly away!

We have been lucky enough to have spotted some noisy miners in the trees. A female noisy miner has made a nest in one of the trees and has been raising 3 babies, which are almost ready to go off on their own!

The magpie is known for its songs. Magpies are extremely intelligent birds that can mimic other bird sounds. All of the 35 different species of magpie have the same colour, black and white.

Kookaburras with their amazing eyesight and distinctive laugh are very common at our school and are very interesting to watch when they fly around and sit in trees. They are beautiful with their white and brown coloured feathers blending in among the trees. Their laugh is quite funny to listen to but sometimes you can never spot where that kookaburra is hiding.

Blue-faced honeyeaters are a black, white and golden olive-green colour. The blue-faced honeyeater loves to eat bugs, insects and nectar.