Mallee Pride's fight against discrimination on IDAHOBIT Day

MALLEE Pride is gearing up to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism, and Transphobia on Tuesday.

May 17 each year marks the date when the World Health Organisation stopped classifying homosexuality as a disease in 1990.

Mallee Pride president Jarrod Lehman said he looked forward to the community being able to get back together to mark the day after years of lockdowns.

"After two years of not having that connection and not being able to celebrate or observe the day, we're finally going to be able to this year," Mr Lehman said.

He said that even though LGBTQIA+ issues had come a long way, the day was still of immense importance in the fight against discrimination.

"We're still having those issues of homophobia, biphobia, intersexism and transphobia," Mr Lehman said.

"In this day and age we shouldn't have to be fighting as hard as we are but it's still a part of what is happening in communities. It's going to be an ongoing battle."

Allies played an important part in this change, Mr Lehman said.

"If you're observing these attitudes, you need to call it out."

Mallee Pride will meet at the Langtree Riverfront Connection at 11am with the Welcome to Country, flag-raising and speeches at 11.30.

A free barbecue at Jaycee Park, cooked by NSW and Victorian police, will follow.

To ask about joining, message Mallee Pride on Facebook.

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