
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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Vaccination booster numbers dropping in Sunraysia

NEW pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics will be operating in Sunraysia to address a drop off in the administration of boosters.

Sunraysia Community Health Services, in partnership with the Loddon Mallee Public Health Unit, are planning three walk-in clinics, the first two confirmed for the Mildura CBD this week.

On Wednesday, a clinic will be open between 11am and 2pm by the Mildura riverfront on Hugh King Drive, adjacent the tennis courts.

Another clinic will be held on Thursday in a vacant shop at 76 Langtree Mall from 11.30am to 4pm.

Appointments are not necessary.

For any more information, visit schs.com.au or www.mildura.vic.gov.au/Community/COVID-19-information-and-support, or go to the SCHS or Mildura Rural City Council Facebook pages.

SCHS acting chief executive Melissa Wade said uptake of the fourth dose in July had been strong but numbers were dropping.

"We know getting into your GP (if you have one) is taking longer than usual, and other vaccination services in the community have been reduced. These pop-up clinics are helping to make getting vaccinated as convenient as possible," she said.

Last week, 680 vaccinations were delivered in the Loddon Mallee Region. SCHS would like to see an increase in the number of people getting their third and fourth boosters, particularly those aged over 60.

SCHS says that about 36 per cent of the community aged 60-69 hade received their fourth dose, which is 8 per cent behind the Loddon Mallee regional average, and that although 65.4 per cent of those aged 70-plus had been boosted, that age group were still 7 per cent behind the Loddon Mallee Region.

People are eligible for boosters three months after their last primary dose and should also wait three months after having a confirmed COVID-19 infection.