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— Your 100 Years —

of Sunraysia Daily

Ouyen’s Great Vanilla Slice Triumph

Published October 24, 1998

THE overall winner of the Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph might have come from Halls Gap, but the people of Ouyen were no less jubilant for that.

Business people throughout Ouyen knew the township was the real winner.

About 2000 people packed into the main street for the competition, but the positive effect on Ouyen began months ago, when Premier Jeff Kennett first announced his plan for the contest.

Mildura Rural City Council Deputy Mayor Howard Crothers, who lives outside the city and knows the struggles small communities face, recognised the value of yesterday's event for Ouyen.

"The sort of publicity this has generated will encourage people to stop in Ouyen and come into the centre of town (where they will) patronise local businesses," Cr Crothers said.

His only concern was that the Vanilla Slice Triumph might detract from the Farmers' Festival on Melbourne Cup Day.

The festival raises money for the Mallee Track Community Health Service.

Those concerns aside, Cr Crothers had nothing but praise for the competition.

He was particularly impressed by the amount of effort the locals put into ensuring the day was a success.

He said Premier Jeff Kennett's decision to launch the competition in Ouyen was good news for all in the district, especially those facing lean times.

"I think it was probably good timing. It's just before the harvest comes in, and some are going to be a bit light on in the district."

Cr Crothers' sentiments were echoed by local business operators.

Newsagent Tony Cua said he thought the competition would translate into a few more votes for Mr Kennett.

"(Business) has been great the last couple of days," Mr Cua said.

"People have actually been talking about this for months. The media and Jeff Kennett have really been plugging it."

While it has been over the last few days that the effect has really been felt, Mr Cua said there has been a general increase in the number of people -- and the level of business activity -- in the town since the idea was first floated.

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