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COVID-19 in Sunraysia: What you need to know

This coronavirus story has been made free to read because it contains community health and safety information. To ensure you are up-to-date with all the latest news, become a Sunraysia Daily member.

Have there been any confirmed cases in Sunraysia

Updated - April 26, 2020 - MILDURA has had no new confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in two weeks, as Victoria recorded just three new cases on Sunday.

The total number of cases in Victoria stands at 1349, with Mildura's total remaining on five.

One new death was reported overnight, a man in his 90s who died in hospital. To date, 17 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria.

Read the story here

Updated - April 22, 2020 - THERE have been no new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria, but this is "not a time to relax our strong approach", says Victoria's Chief Health Officer.

The total number of cases in the state is 1,336 – no net increase from Tuesday - and there were also no new deaths reported.

Read the story here

Updated - April 19, 2020 - MILDURA has again recorded no new cases of coronavirus as the growth rate of the killer bug has now been kept below one per cent for seven days in a row across the country.

Read the story here

Update - April 14, 2020 -THERE have been no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sunraysia, according to the Department of Health and Human Services' Tuesday update.

Five people in the Mildura municipality have tested positive for coronavirus and there have been three confirmed infections in Swan Hill, contributing to the state's total of 1291 cases.

Read the story here

Update - April 12, 2020 - THERE have been no extra confirSave Articlemed cases of coronavirus in Mildura over the weekend.

The good news came as Victoria's total number of confirmed cases only increased by three from Saturday to Sunday.

The total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria currently stands at 1268. There were no new deaths reported yesterday. To date, 14 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria.

Read the story here

Update - April 8, 2020 - MILDURA has two more confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19.

The Department of Health and Human Resources released new figures on Wednesday afternoon that showed Mildura now has five cases, up from three on Tuesday.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Victoria is 1212 – an increase of 21 from Tuesday.

Read the story here

Update - April 6, 2020 - The total (COVID-19) cases in Victoria is 1158 number of coronavirus (­ – an increase of 23 from Monday, as testing for the virus expands.

Yesterday a man in his 50s died in hospital and a woman in her 80s died at home, taking the number of people who have died in Victoria from coronavirus to 10.

The total number of cases includes 608 men and 550 women. Cases range in age from babies to their early nineties.

There are 88 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Victoria that may have been acquired through community transmission. More than 57,000 tests have been conducted to date.

Currently 45 people are in hospital – including 11 patients in intensive care – and 620 people have recovered.

Of the total 1158 cases, there have been 940 in Melbourne and 212 in regional Victoria. A number of cases remain under investigation.

Read the story here

Update - April 5, 2020 - MILDURA has not had a confirmed coronavirus case for more than a week as social distancing measures continue to be enforced.

As of Sunday lunchtime, the number of confirmed cases in the Mildura electorate remained at three, according to figures released the Department of Health and Human Services.

Swan Hill remained on two confirmed cases, while Yarriambiack still had just the one case confirmed.

The news came as the total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria reached 1135 by Sunday – an increase of 20 from Saturday.

Read the story here

Update - April 3, 2020 - NO new cases of COVID-19 had been registered by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for Mildura yesterday.
Three cases of the virus have been confirmed in Mildura.

The total number of COVID-19 cases across Victoria was 1085 yesterday, with cases ranging from babies to people aged in their early 90s.
Of those cases there have been 205 in regional areas.

According to DHHS, there are 62 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Victoria that may have been acquired through community transmission and more than 51,000 tests have been conducted across the state.

Police have strong powers to enforce these directions and can issue on-the-spot fines, including up to $1652 for individuals and up to $9913 for businesses.
For information on COVID-19, call the public hotline on 1800 675 398 or go to www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.

Update -April 1, 2020 - MILDURA remains at a total of three confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases as of Wednesday afternoon after the latest figures released by the Department of Health and Human Services.

And after a new confirmed case on Tuesday, Swan Hill also had no new cases overnight, remaining at two overall. Yarriambiack is also sitting at one.

The total number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Victoria is 968 – an increase of 51 from yesterday. 

Read the story here.

There was one confirmed case of COVID-19 in the Mildura local government area as of the end of Sunday (March 22), according to the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

The first case was confirmed on Saturday, March 21. Read the story here.

The Department of Health and Human Services follows up and monitors all close contacts of confirmed cases and provides them with information and support.

All close contacts must self-isolate for 14-days and all people arriving from any international destination must also self-isolate.

Where to find up-to-date information from authorities

A comprehensive guide, including what to do if you feel unwell, is available on the Victorian Department of Health and Human services website and is regularly updated.

You should refer to this for the latest information on coronavirus in Victoria.

The Australian Government and NSW Government also have online resources.

Victoria has a dedicated hotline for information, which can be reached by calling 1800 675 398.

The Australian Government's Coronavirus Health Information Line is 1800 020 080.

Mildura Base Hospital were advising people not to report to a GP, hospital or health centre if they were concerned about symptoms, but to call Victoria's hotline first on 1800 675 398.

Mildura's COVID-19 clinic

SUNRAYSIA Community Health Services (SCHS) announced a dedicated COVID-19 assessment and advice clinic would open at its Thirteenth Street premises from March 24.

It will operate Monday to Friday from 1-4pm, with the aim of taking pressure off the region's hospital emergency department and general practice clinics.

SCHS said it was important the community called SCHS first before presenting to the hospital or calling their local GP.

Full details here.

SCHS said symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and/or a dry cough and shortness of breath.

People infected with the virus may experience no symptoms, mild symptoms, or symptoms related to severe viral pneumonia.

Anyone experiencing symptoms as described above should call the SCHS "hotline" to receive advice, and if required, an appointment will be made at the SCHS assessment and advice clinic.

The direct number is 5021 7653. This line will be open from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm.

Where to find the latest COVID-19 stories relevant to Sunraysia

The Sunraysia Daily website has a dedicated coronavirus section where all stories relating to COVID-19 are published.

Sunraysia Daily is still being printed six days a week.

Which businesses can and can't stay open?

Read our guide here.

Why social distancing matters

The coronavirus is highly infectious. Watch this video for what that means in practice:

According to the federal Department of Health, social distancing is important because COVID-19 is most likely to spread from person to person through:

  • direct close contact with a person while they are infectious or in the 24 hours before their symptoms appeared
  • close contact with a person with a confirmed infection who coughs or sneezes, or
  • touching objects or surfaces (such as door handles or tables) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with a confirmed infection, and then touching your mouth or face.

The more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.

Staying at home away from others is the simplest way to think of social distancing.

How to reduce risk to yourself and others

Follow the steps in this poster

Click here to download PDF | Click here to download JPG

Follow the 10 ways to avoid coronavirus

These have also been issued by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services:

1. WASH hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds.

2. DRY with paper towel or hand dryer.

3. TRY not to touch the eyes, nose or mouth. Without a tissue cough or sneeze into the upper sleeve or elbow.

4. SELF-isolate at home if feeling sick. Ensure adequate supplies of personal medication.

5. CONTINUE healthy habits, exercise, drink water, get plenty of sleep, and now is the time to quit smoking. Call the Quitline 137 848.

6. CALL a GP first if needing medical attention. They will explain what to do.

7. DON'T wear a face mask if feeling well.

8. BUY and use a hand sanitiser with more than 60 per cent alcohol.

9. GET the flu shot.

10. SHAKING hands is optional.

Monitoring your health

Symptoms of coronavirus

The most common symptoms, according to the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, are:

- Fever

- Breathing difficulties such as breathlessness

- Cough

- Sore throat

- Fatigue or tiredness

If you are displaying symptoms associated with COVID-19 you should self-isolate and seek professional medical advice.

Phone your doctor or the hotline – 1800 675 398 – if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do.

Risk factors of coronavirus

Anyone who has been overseas in the past 14 days or is a close or casual contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 is at the highest risk of infection.

If you either of these apply to you, you must stay at home (self-quarantine), the department says.

Those who are elderly or have pre-existing medical conditions, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, also have a higher risk.

Refer to the department's coronavirus page for further information.

Mildura Base Hospital were advising people not to report to a GP, hospital or health centre if they were concerned about symptoms, but to call Victoria's hotline first on 1800 675 398.

The federal Department of Health's symptoms guide

Click here to download PDF | Click here to download JPG

Which Mildura events are running? What's been cancelled?


  • The AMCA National title which was to have been run at Mildura’s Timmis Speedway on the Easter weekend was cancelled. (Story from March 18.)
  • The Australian Inland Botanic Gardens' Magenta Artists Art and Photography Show and Big Brekkie and Market have been cancelled. (Story from March 17.)
  • Sunraysia Cricket Association grand finals, which were to be played on March 21 and 22, have been cancelled. (Story from March 17.)
  • Mildura's Easter Show and Shine in the City Heart was cancelled. (Story from March 16.)
  • This year's Cullulleraine Music Festival, due to be held April 3-5, was cancelled. (Story from March 15.)
  • The Walking Off The War Within event, due to be held March 14, was cancelled. (Story from March 13.)


  • The Mildura 100 Ski Race will not be running at Easter. (Story from March 23.)
  • The Big V season, which was to tip off for the Mildura Heat on March 14, has been postponed until at least April 13. (Story from March 18.)
  • AFL Victoria have directed community leagues to delay starting until May 31. The SFNL have accepted this recommendation. (Story from March 17.)
  • Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council postponed its Harmony Day celebrations scheduled for March 19 until after Easter. (Story from March 17.)
  • Mildura Lawn Tennis Club's Easter tournament was postponed. (Story from March 17.)
  • Ouyen's Mallee Root Festival, due to be held on March 21, was postponed. (Story from March 17.)
  • Mildura Food Truck Carnival, due to be held on March 20, was postponed to November 6-9. (Story from March 16.)


Happening, but restrictions on crowds:

  • The public will be asked not to attend Anzac Day ceremonies. (Story from March 17.)
  • Mildura Harness Racing Club's Mildura Pacing Cup Carnival from March 31 to April 4 will be closed to the general public. (Story from March 17.)

At risk:

  • Motorcycling Australia was yet to make an announcement on the Australian Sidecar Speedway Championships due to be held at Mildura's Olympic Park Speedway on March 27. (Story from March 15.)
  • Rowing Victoria postponed sanction events, putting the Mildura and Wentworth Easter Rowing Regatta at risk. (Story from March 15.)